I’m back….well sort of

Ok my people…I know it has been a long time and I am  just dropping in quickly to tell you that I have not forgotten about this blog spot.

I will be back soon with much to share and trust me….there’s a lot to share.  I will be looking forward to getting your comments, questions, successes, and failures (which are successes in disguise).

Perhaps whilst I get my S….T together you can share something with me. It can be a recipe, and invitation to a page, a new philosophy on life, or just to bitch and moan at me for leaving you for so long.  Ok, I’ll go first… on my recent trip to Europe I visited Brugge.  There happens to be a restaurant that Marvin Gaye used to frequent.  I enjoyed a beer there and ate off of the “Marvin Gaye” menu.  I had to reflect for on Marvin’s life and music for a bit.  That was very unexpected and interesting. 

Whatever it is…..DO IT!
