Where The Hell Have I Been!!??!! Journal Entry October 28 through November 26

Oct 28–Nov 26 –  Days 297 thru 326

P90X3  – Block 3 VICTORY WEEK!

Yeah…That’s right!  I am in Victory Week.  I am so sorry that I have been MIA on the blog scene and not giving you updates.  I’m doing ok. Not as great as I should, but I haven’t quite been suffering in silence, so much as I have just not been respectful of my machine (body) on the nutrition front.

My body is the hardest it has ever been and I can see my muscles. So though I still have to lose about 19 lbs to get to my holiday 20 ( a little yo-yo effect there), I have made some real strides with my fitness.  Hell, I’m doing pull-ups, chin-ups, crawly and military push ups and some crazy balancing things.  Check me out!


I have to remember where I came from and where I am now.  I’m not giving up because even if I don’t hit 20, I’m hitting something! IT AIN’T OVER!


National Novel Writing Month

So where the heck have I been if I was still doing my workouts and stuff?  Well November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and I took it upon myself, as a professional writer to embark on writing two(2) books in my series, each at 75K words, in thirty days (5k words a day). NaNo consider 50K words in 30 Days a challenge so you can see how big and hairy my goal for this month IS, because it’s not over yet.  Technically, I won it already, but my goal is still incomplete.  Here’s my validated sticker. Yay me!


I have been writing all day, everyday and have been helping my challengers to reach their fitness goals as well.  I’ve been having a blast, even with the positive pressure, but not a day went by when I was like, but …but…. my blog followers!  You were well thought of.  With Thanksgiving approaching I had to reconnect, even though I might be buried in my hole for yet a few more days.  I am so thankful for all of you who follow me and are like…where the heck is she?

Weigh in

I couldn’t figure this out, even if I tried.  Actually I think over the month I lost 7lbs then gained 9 which puts me at losing 1lb toward my holiday 20. It’s still progress, just not in the way I would have liked.

I have decided that I am going to post my weight loss/gain as it relates to the Holiday 20 goal from now through the end of the year to keep it super simple.

Then at the end of the year, I’m going to give you the year’s summary.  OMG!! I can’t wait. Best Christmas gift coming up EVER!!

5 Day Free Clean Eating Challenge

We all need a little help sometimes and when you can do it with others it is great for accountability.  So I am doing a Free 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge which will help me loads and I hope will be beneficial to you as well.

It’s all done online via a secret Facebook group and there is no obligation to continue after the 5 Days.  It’s a sweet deal. So if you are interested, please leave a message in the comments for me or reach out to me via my fitness community at: http://www.Facebook.com/KindredFitness

I hope to see you there and please feel free to share and don’t for get to “Like” the community page for future updates!  You can also like it in the menu to the left!

5 DayClean EatingChallenge