Inspiring and Motivating

Inspiration Award

I’d like to thank weight2lose2013 for nominating me for this award.  The reason I started blogging was to share my thoughts and this year when I began journaling my weightless journey, I wanted to share but also motivate and inspire others who were having their own struggles with weight. I’m inspired and motivated by many bloggers that I’d like to nonimate!  Here are the rules:

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 10 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Step one – done!  Step two – done!

Step three:

1.) I’ve written a romance novel.

2.) I love Beachbody and their products because they are helping me achieve my goals in fitness and business!

3.) My favorite new artist is Pia Mia (I still have “Fight for You,” the track she did on the Divergent soundtrack on repeat)!

4.) My favorite animal is the Congo Okapi (the first time I saw it I didn’t know what it was, but it was so beautiful to me that I started to cry!)

5.) I’m good at grilling …Dare I say, Grill Master!

6.) My favorite wine is any good Malbec.

7.) I love going to the movies and reviewing the credits at the end. I call out as many names as possible of the people that made the movie happen.

Now, for the fun part! The nominees are:

1.) positivelives313

2.) From Unemployment to Writer – Find Out How I Did It

3.) Genie in a Bubble

4.) thehealthymodel

5.) I’m Losing It!!

6.) Loretta Andrews

7.) Twin Flame Reflections

8.) Ironwoman Diary: Destination Finish Line

9.) The Hungry Foolish

10.) Live Well… Be Fabulous

Please take the time to visit these blogs, they’re great.  Nominees, here are the rules:

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 10 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Have a super day!

“When I am writing, I am trying to find out who I am.”

Maya has left such a rich legacy and wealth of knowledge for us in her books, poems and speeches Her powerful presence and command of the English language made us swoon and nod our heads with understanding that came from deep within our hearts. She embodied passion and not only touched people but inspired nations. She will be forever missed! To Maya! To Maya!

The Daily Post

Maya Angelou by Spanglej, CC BY-SA 2.0.Maya Angelou by Spanglej, CC BY-SA 2.0.

Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.

Find a beautiful piece of art. If you fall in love with Van Gogh or Matisse or John Oliver Killens, or if you fall love with the music of Coltrane, the music of Aretha Franklin, or the music of Chopin — find some beautiful art and admire it, and realize that it was created by human beings just like you, no more human, no less.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.

When I am writing, I am trying to find out who I am, who we are, what we’re capable of, how…

View original post 503 more words

Journal Entry – May 24 through 27

May 24 thru 27– Days 140 thru 143


21 Day Fix is Done!

Double days are ovah!  Yay!  It worked me hard! On the last 3 days I followed a really restrictive meal plan. It takes all the guess-work out of eating which is great, BUT if you love the taste of food, you will be crying!  I just had to hunker down and get ‘er done!   I lost most of my weight during this period.  It’s kind of like being on a high protein low carb diet but more strict…lol.  It’s VERY interesting!  About 1/2 way through day two (2) I got into the groove and was like, “This is keeping me alive and giving me all the nutrition I need.”

21 Day Fix Weigh In (Special Edition)

Here are this week’s results. This was really good, given that I was coming back from some pretty poor nutrition choices from the week before.  In parentheses is the true loss from the true gain from the week before…lol

Weight: 2.5 lbs (+6.0 recovery…I know smh)

Chest: no change

Waist: no change

Hips: no change

Arm (L): 1/4 inch loss

Arm (R): no change

Thigh (L): 1/4 inch loss

Thigh (R): 1/4 inch loss

21 Day Fix Program Totals (3 Week Summary)

Weight Totals: 3.0 lbs

Chest Totals 1/4 inch

Waist Totals: 1/2 inch loss

Hips: no change

Arm (L): 1/2 inch loss

Arm (R): 1/4 inch loss

Thigh (L): 1/4 inch loss

Thigh (R): 1/4 inch loss


This is me on Memorial Day! Some cuts on the arms even at my size.

More Confessions

The eating plan is really great, but I was less than perfect on it as you guys know. What can I say.. I’m so human and still in the process of breaking old habits and patterns.  I fluctuated with my weight quite a bit and must say that on average I lost about eleven (11) pounds on this program.


Had my eating been on point I wouldn’t have lost it, then gained it back plus some then really put the petal to the metal and lost it again to have an overall weightless of 3.0 lbs.  Not on this program!  I got hung up on the containers. I over-indulged, which is only my fault and I take full responsibility for it.  That’s just the truth!

21 Day Fix is intense and like all Beachbody programs, focused on giving you results if you follow the program as close to what’s there as possible.  So I highly recommend it.

Challenge Group Starts June 9th

And I am focused to start anew with  my challengers.


I injured myself (ergo the Aspercreme), so I have been forced to take long slow walks in the park until I get myself better.  Then I’m going for it again, in high hear, on the designated date.  Not sure what I’ll be doing but we are taking this to the next level.  I have NOT lost my fire but I have been mosey-ing instead of trotting like I was in January!  No excuses!  I’m getting it done!

Cheers guys!


Journal Entry – May 20 through 23

May 20 thru 23– Days 136 thru 139

Two Days Away 

Double Days have been kicking my @$$ but I have really felt it this week.  I want to say that I feel stronger, but I’m not sure. It’s one of those things where you’re like, am I really.  Some of the exercises I did better in the beginning and others that are really challenging I feel like I have improved only slightly.  This is better than nothing, but I just wonder how much better I have gotten.  I guess I am thinking beyond weight and inch loss and now wondering if I’m too weak in my upper body and legs or concerned it I’m building abdominals to support me.  Scary how that shift happened without my active  Anyway, I’m still working on it.

Better Nutrition

I did much better with my nutrition this week.  I really followed the plan and even when I had to celebrate I was conscious and made good choices.  I’m allowed wine on this program so I was glad to be able to have that!  Dare I say, it saved me!  Alcohol saved me! hahaha

Memorial Day Weekend Challenge

Besides the, “what are we grilling this weekend” challenge.  The last 2 Days of 21 Day Fix has an eating plan that is different from the other 19 days.  It consists of only protein and vegetables, six times a week.  The timing is awful and I didn’t take Memorial Day into consideration at all when I started the program.  I am hoping that I will just have grilled protein and grilled vegetables.  Sorry potato rolls and hand burger buns, potato salad and roared corn.  I will have to catch you another time (tears, sniff, rubbing eyes).  It’s cool.  It’s not like I never had it before or will never have it again.  It does kind of suck though, don’t you think?

Packet-Roasted Balsamic Green Beans and Pepers

Packet-Roasted Balsamic Green Beans and Peppers

(Click Image Above for Recipe)

So I promptly searched for recipes that I could make and have that would keep me in the spirit of grilling and spending time with my peoples.  I found this on Eating Well, so if you are trying to curb some calories this would make a great side (minus the beans for this weekend anyway).

Try it or some of the other recipes they have shared for a healthier eating this Memorial Day Weekend.



Journal Entry – May 17 through 19

May 17 thru 19– Days 133 thru 135

Monday – I’m About It!

I know that most times people recieve  Monday with dread because it starts the workweek.  I don’t fool myself in believing that everyone does what they love for their livelihood or values the start of the workweek.  It’s hard for so many to just get out of bed.  I’ve been there!  It’s no longer my reality to dread Mondays.  I receive Monday with gratitude for what I have and what I’m able to experience and share with others.  It also marks an opportunity for new experiences and is a “start over” day for most people who may have over indulged on the weekend or just starting something new.  I was never able to flip Mondays when I worked in a corporate doing a traditional 9-5, but I was able to start new things that I looked forward to.  It was a small ritual but something that moved me closer to where I am now. Free, having fun and enjoying life the way I want to.  It wasn’t an overnight thing but it happened.  I won’t go on, but if you can flip Mondays to what you want it to be, you’ll find yourself a little bit happier and less stressed.  Be bold in your efforts to carve our a bit of Monday (everyday, really) to be exactly what you want it to be.


weigh in

Results Day

So I weight in on Saturday.  Oh boy!  Here it goes:

Weight: 1.5 lb gain (yup!)

Chest: no change

Waist: no change

Hips: no change

Arm (L): no change

Arm (R): no change

Thigh (L): no change

Thigh (R): no change

I’m cool with it. I really did it to myself this week.  The weekend didn’t go too much better.  I continued to workout, but was a little lax with my eating.  I had a birthday party on Saturday and a brunch on Sunday.  However, I am dedicated to making my last week of 21 Day Fix the best one.  I may even do it twice!

Double Days

So the last week of 21 Day Fix consists of double workouts everyday and still no rest day.  I did my first one today and I really wanted to take a nap afterward.  I look like it, too, don’t I?  I don’t know who says that they feel energized and pumped after a workout.  I feel the exact opposite.  I think my energy comes later.  Does anyone else get this?


Anyways, I am back on the good wagon and focusing on my results. I upped my water intake to combat some of the sodium and sugar ingested over the weekend.  I have forgiven myself and I am moving on.   I have too much to do!   I did want to share, so that you understand why my results are all whacked out.    This week I will be weighing in on Monday May 26, which would officially mark the end of the 21 Day Fix cycle.  Wish me extra luck this week!

Fun Stuff Coming

I’m getting into all kinds of fun things so look out for some posts introducing some things I got going on.  They may be in my New Beginnings Category or some of my other categories, so keep an eye out!

There is still time to make today great!


Journal Entry – May 12 through 16

May 12 thru 16– Days 128 thru 132

Food Challenges

Has anyone ever had this problem? I have been running into this problem this week where I have no idea what to eat.  I’m fairly simple and straightforward about my food as you’ve seen and there are days when I’m so excited about a recipe that it’s like I was visited by the food fairy.


This week was not one of those weeks!   I had Shakeology twice in one day because I just didn’t know what to eat and didn’t feel like getting creative with 21 Day Fix and the colored containers.  So I wonder what my results will look like this week, especially after a night of too much celebration. Other than that I didn’t get too careless with food during the other days of the week, but I was quite motivation-less to try to figure out what to put in my mouth.  I am sure it will pass, but it was a challenge this week.

A Night of Too Much Celebration

It started with a shot of Patron and the rest was a blur.  I know there was a lot appetizers, like mac and cheese bites and pigs in a blanket, that weren’t great for me but were delicious followed by dinner and a few glasses of whisky.  Ok, ok, a lot of glasses of whisky!

There!  I said it. That’s my confession.  I really let the guard all the way down for this one, so I’m not sure what my results will look like this week but whatever it is I will take it like a champ because that’s what I do now.  No pity party over it.  I mean I do feel guilty but what good is it going to do if I don’t get right back on the horse.  I did too.  With a day of 21 Day Fix cardio that kicked my hungover booty!  I did it though!  LOL


So, I promised some video of these “surrender squats.”  Those would be exercise you see me doing with the weights. I think the next time I do them I am going to do them with knee pads.  LOL

Wednesday’s workout which is Lower Body Fix was such a struggle for me this week.  My knees felt so unstable and I couldn’t understand why.  Not enough rest?  Too much strain on some of the exercises like the “surrender squats?”  I don’t know but I was barely making it.  My stability improved after I did the Pilates Fix the next day, but it was pretty bad. I’m working through it!


The weather has been pretty good here and there and though I have taken some pretty nice long walks, I have not yet started running again.  It’s going to be tough when I start, but I’m hoping to have stamina from doing workouts like Focus T25 and 21 Day Fix.  I need to get on this.  I’d like to run another 5k or two this year (being much lighter this year)!

You know the deal!  I’ll be posting my results so check ’em out!

Have a good one!



Page 45 – Jennifer Natasha Welsh

I had to do it!  This Page 45 entry features Single by Choice?, a contemporary romance novel by yours truly.  I love this book, not only because it was my first but because it was a book that so many have enjoyed!   So, let’s see what Page 45 had to say about my love life.

It reads…

“It had been two months since my last lesson.”

Ooooooooooooh!  No comment!  haha!

My Music – Coldplay

I love this song, “Magic”.  I saw Coldplay perform it on Jimmy Fallon’s show last week and I really fell in love with it.  It’s off their Ghost Stories Album coming out May 19th, I believe.  I’m looking forward to the release because I adore this band.

It’s one of those songs, i want to spend time inside of if I could like…well…magic!  Enjoy!