Journal Entry – February 24 – 28

February 24 thru 28– Days 50 thru  54

Beta Week Three and Blogilates

In my last post I mentioned a recipe that I got for the banana pancakes and directed you to the Blogilates website with my blogosphere BFF, Cassey Ho!

She is a  fitness professional and has some great YouTube videos on Pilates.  The reason I spent so much time on her site was because of the whole food recipes she had but also because I was in search for help with my abs.  I have come to the understanding that because I am heavy (in particularly heavy in the mid section) I have to burn the fat with the cardio, for sure, but I have to attack the abdominals like a stranger coming into my house uninvited!

She has a 28 day cycle of Pilates workouts that she does, and though I am not doing all of her videos, I have committed to doing her beginner workout and some of her other videos that strengthen the abdominals and back.  Even when I was doing her workout I started to feel the pain in my lower back, but guess what, I got though them better because I got real detailed instruction on what I should be feeling and where.  The lateral breathing exercise she does was my aha moment.  I really was able to use some key body positioning to feel if I was doing it right.

I did it on Sunday before my Focus T25 Stretch video and though I feel like I had more of a workout that day I was VERY happy with how my midsection reacted and felt with her exercises.  I’ve done Pilates before but she goes nice and slow with LOTS of burning repetition that give you more than enough opportunities to get it right 🙂

Quinoa Almond Joy Bars

I made these on Sunday.  This was yummy recipe but I have to let you guys know that the texture is not what it looks like in the picture.  These are very moist with a hot oatmeal mouth feel, but cold, so if that is going to bug you don’t try it.  However, I will say that when reading the reviews, someone said that they used no water, so that may have been a problem.  In that sense it maybe worth it to try it, but keep the water addition to the recipe in mind.

Quinoa Almond Joy Bars - photo by Jennifer Welsh

Quinoa Almond Joy Bars

I offered one to two taste testers, a friend and my father.  My friend had several and enjoyed it, but my father took one bite then another and then kindly placed it back on the plate.  It was a toss-up.

In any case I liked.  It’s a nice alternative to something small and sweet.  Do I wish it was a brownie instead?  OF course I do, but it gets me over the hump and onto the next day without F@#$ing up.  So I LOVE IT!  Click the picture for the recipe if you want to give it a go!

Gamma It Is!

I think.  At least so far it is. I think I will continue with the rest of the Focus T25 series and may do it again if I’m not tired of Shaun T by the end of Gamma.  The weather will be nicer and I may start my running program again which I am looking forward to because right now, I’m already 18.5lbs lighter which will hopefully get me running with better form and a little faster.  Hopefully, by then I will have lost a bit more but this is a good start for that program.  I do have to do something in addition to running though. Mama needs some muscles.

Day 27  –  Feeling Miserable

When I started Focus T25 I prayed for 2 things, 1) not to get sick and 2) not to get injured.  Well, Thursday is a very long day for me.  I teach until 9:30pm.  I was in class with my students and here it comes.  I start feeling “weird.”  I feel my head for warmth.  I get all achy, my head hurts and my stomach isn’t feeling so hot either.

Because of my long day, my meal situation gets a little screwed up.  I take snacks in the hopes that when I go home I’ll have my dinner and sometimes I even take my dinner with me.  This day I missed my dinner altogether.  I don’t know what was happening, but all I did was come home have some vitamin C, some ibuprofen and tea before going straight to bed.  I pray that this was from something I ate or lack thereof and not the flu or something else.  Pray for me y’all.  I’m only 2 weeks fem finishing Beta!!!!!

Pumpkin Smoothie 

So this morning I got up and did my workout.  It’s double day Friday (2 workouts) and even though I am not feeling good, I only had one more day before my rest day, so I really pushed through it.  I did ok, but I felt slower and less “focused” shall we say.  This morning I had a pumpkin smoothie and it was sooooo good.  It gave me some nutrients, energy and was comforting for the NY iceberg we are in at the moment.  I meal literally we are the temperature of and iceberg with wind.  Stay warm y’all – it’s Brick City outside!!!


If you want some comfort check out the recipe above or some other recipes online for the pumpkin smoothie and go for it.  Tomorrow is my results day.  I always look forward to those.  I can’t wait to let you all in on the goodies!

Have a super day!