Not Quite 365 Days – Journal Entry – November 27 through December 261

Nov 27 – December 31 –  Days 298 thru 361

A Year of Results
What a year it has been!  I know I am not quite there, but it’s ok. I must say that the journey this year has had its highs and lows.  I didn’t finish the year off as strong as I would have liked.  Old habits die-hard and I didn’t have exercise to back me up for the last month due to a knee/hamstring injury I have been nursing.
Nutrition and exercise work hand in hand, but I really needed to put the fork down at some points!! LOL.  However, I am not  discouraged!  I have lost 53 lbs this year!  Whoohoo!  I know I can get to my goal in 2015.
Thanks to everyone who had helped support me this year.  You likes and comments really kept me going and I appreciate it so much.
PiYo To the Rescue
I started doing PiYo and though it’s different from what I’m used to, I love it and I NEED it!  I feel like I am getting strong with it.  I still get after workout pain, but it doesn’t last and I feel more loose throughout the rest of the day.  I sweat a lot doing PiYo which is an amazing.  It really is all about building strength and flexibility to help you with other workouts, running and athletics.  I see the beauty!
Final Results
Weight loss:  53 lbs. down!
Waist: 7.5 inches
Chest: 3.75
Right Arm: 3.25
Left Arm: 2.75
Right Thigh: 5.5
Right Thigh: 5.5
(total inches 28.25 – WHHAAAAHHHTTT?)
What I Have Learned
I have learned that I am a strong woman who can over come the obstacles before me. I have a drive and laser like focus when I’m working out that is pretty crazy!  I have truly learned to love the challenge!  It’s almost like an addiction that I’m ok with. haha I have done some things in my workouts that I have literally watched on TV and said, “Chyah, right!”  This year I was doing them.
I learned that even though I have developed some great habits, I still have a lot to overcome because old habits like to creep back up on me from time to time.  I have also learned that support and accountability is so important and though I started my journey without it, I couldn’t have gotten this far without it!
So the journey continues.
THANK YOU AGAIN FOR HELPING ME THROUGH THIS JOURNEY!!  My fitness journey for 2015 will continue on JN Welsh Blog mostly so I hope you guys follow me there as well.
Wishing you all the best for an awesome 2015!

Where The Hell Have I Been!!??!! Journal Entry October 28 through November 26

Oct 28–Nov 26 –  Days 297 thru 326

P90X3  – Block 3 VICTORY WEEK!

Yeah…That’s right!  I am in Victory Week.  I am so sorry that I have been MIA on the blog scene and not giving you updates.  I’m doing ok. Not as great as I should, but I haven’t quite been suffering in silence, so much as I have just not been respectful of my machine (body) on the nutrition front.

My body is the hardest it has ever been and I can see my muscles. So though I still have to lose about 19 lbs to get to my holiday 20 ( a little yo-yo effect there), I have made some real strides with my fitness.  Hell, I’m doing pull-ups, chin-ups, crawly and military push ups and some crazy balancing things.  Check me out!


I have to remember where I came from and where I am now.  I’m not giving up because even if I don’t hit 20, I’m hitting something! IT AIN’T OVER!


National Novel Writing Month

So where the heck have I been if I was still doing my workouts and stuff?  Well November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and I took it upon myself, as a professional writer to embark on writing two(2) books in my series, each at 75K words, in thirty days (5k words a day). NaNo consider 50K words in 30 Days a challenge so you can see how big and hairy my goal for this month IS, because it’s not over yet.  Technically, I won it already, but my goal is still incomplete.  Here’s my validated sticker. Yay me!


I have been writing all day, everyday and have been helping my challengers to reach their fitness goals as well.  I’ve been having a blast, even with the positive pressure, but not a day went by when I was like, but …but…. my blog followers!  You were well thought of.  With Thanksgiving approaching I had to reconnect, even though I might be buried in my hole for yet a few more days.  I am so thankful for all of you who follow me and are like…where the heck is she?

Weigh in

I couldn’t figure this out, even if I tried.  Actually I think over the month I lost 7lbs then gained 9 which puts me at losing 1lb toward my holiday 20. It’s still progress, just not in the way I would have liked.

I have decided that I am going to post my weight loss/gain as it relates to the Holiday 20 goal from now through the end of the year to keep it super simple.

Then at the end of the year, I’m going to give you the year’s summary.  OMG!! I can’t wait. Best Christmas gift coming up EVER!!

5 Day Free Clean Eating Challenge

We all need a little help sometimes and when you can do it with others it is great for accountability.  So I am doing a Free 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge which will help me loads and I hope will be beneficial to you as well.

It’s all done online via a secret Facebook group and there is no obligation to continue after the 5 Days.  It’s a sweet deal. So if you are interested, please leave a message in the comments for me or reach out to me via my fitness community at:

I hope to see you there and please feel free to share and don’t for get to “Like” the community page for future updates!  You can also like it in the menu to the left!

5 DayClean EatingChallenge



Journal Entry – June 6 through June 28

June 6 thru June 28 – Days 156 thru 175

Happy Summer!

I know, I know, I have been MIA for weeks.  I have been running and running around.  I have been working hard!  I have also been getting myself ready for the Romance Writers of America Convention.  I am really excited to be going and I hope to meet many writers, editors and agents.  I am putting it out into the universe.  I am looking for a long-lasting relationship with an editor and agent.  This is the life I want and I am going to take the steps to make it happen.  That’s next month so wish me luck.  I still have a lot of work to do to have my story and summaries done.

Results Weight Totals as of June 28

I haven’t been doing the inches but that will soon change but I wanted to give you the news.  As of June 28, I am:

40.5 lbs down!!!!!!

I passed one of my milestones, too which I am really excited about.

Coach Summit

For those of you who don’t know, Team Beachbody hosted Coach Summit in Las Vegas last week. It was a blast!  I got to work out with Shaun T, Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson and Autumn Calabrese.



If you told me that when I started my fitness journey in January that I would have to opportunity to meet and workout with the folks that have been aiding my fitness for the past few months I would have called you a super liar! Not only that, but I got a chance to listen to Darren Hardy who wrote the Compound Effect and Diana Nyad, the woman who swam from the US to Cuba in her sixties, give inspirational speeches.  If you told me that I’d even be in the same room with these people, I would have called you a super duper liar!  This was a great time.  I learned a lot and I feel really blessed to have had that opportunity.  I’m tired and emotional as hell from that long weekend but I am fired up and ready to go.

June 30 – Challenge with Turbo Fire

Me and a few others will be getting back into a schedule.  Though I’ve been running and also doing a squat challenge, I miss that checking off a calendar feeling and following a program from beginning to end.  It works for me.  Some people will be doing PiYo, Chalene Johnson’s new functional training workout that includes Yoga and Pilates moves, while others will be doing 21 Day Fix and Focus T25.  I, on the other hand will continue running to get up to a solid 5K run, as well as starting Chalene Johnson’s Turbo Fire workout.  I still want to jump around a bit, haha.  So, I look forward to sharing all about that experience as I go through it.   I will be keeping you constant record of this.

Kindred Fitness Community

In addition to my journal entries, I created a fitness community on Facebook that I hope grows into a place where people come to share fitness and nutrition information as well as overall mind, body and spirit wellness.  Anyone can like and follow the page receive notifications.  If any of you are interested, please visit my community page on Facebook:

It is a fitness community for everyone and not only for those who are doing or interested in Beachbody, so check it out.  However, if you are interested in those fitness or nutrition programs.  Let me know and I’d be happy to help match you with the right program for you.

Have a super week and I am so happy to be connected to you all again via this blog.

Happy Belated Summer!

Journal Entry June 5 through June 10

June 5 thru June 10– Days 152 thru 157

Summer is Almost Here!

Am I bikini ready?  Hell no! BUT I am closer than I was earlier in the year. I’m going to go ahead and say that will not happen until next year.  This is a journey.  I will not be near naked in the sun for 2014.  I’m not boo-hooing over it.  I’m not even sure if that is my dream, but it could be a “just to do and push the limits of your mind” kind of goal.

Wellness Warrior

In addition to being a coach I have tried to define what I have evolved into, in this fitness arena.  I’m not an exercise guru or nutty nutritionist.  I often talk about my life, especially as it relates to fitness from a holistic perspective.  Wellness Warrior came to mind because, let’s face it, transformation happens from the inside out. There are a lot of us out there.

Being a wellness warrior involves a lot of things other than the habit of exercise and the process of eating well.  You mind has to change, your heart has to change, something has to really get you to move your tush and do all the things mentioned.  This is what I have turned into.  It has transcended beyond fitness where I start applying that warrior mentality to other things — to not give up and be strong and persistent.  You have to make changes that affect your life not just your workout and nutrition routines. It really is a beautiful thing.  I am very happy and proud to be a Wellness Warrior.

Running and Governor’s Ball

I went to Governors’s Ball this weekend.  Below is a picture of Damian Marley, who I LOVE.  I also did get to see Miss Janelle Monae and a bunch of other cool artists!  My legs are still killing me because I have been nonstop with running and exercise only to stand and or dance for hours listening to some really great music over the weekend with my friends.


Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley at Governor’s Ball NY

I didn’t tap out and went right into the week with an exercise video on Monday and straight into running the following day.  I’m up to over 2 miles which is kind of cool, even though it is a run/walk program.

Must say….I cannot wait for my rest day.


Inspiring and Motivating

Inspiration Award

I’d like to thank weight2lose2013 for nominating me for this award.  The reason I started blogging was to share my thoughts and this year when I began journaling my weightless journey, I wanted to share but also motivate and inspire others who were having their own struggles with weight. I’m inspired and motivated by many bloggers that I’d like to nonimate!  Here are the rules:

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 10 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Step one – done!  Step two – done!

Step three:

1.) I’ve written a romance novel.

2.) I love Beachbody and their products because they are helping me achieve my goals in fitness and business!

3.) My favorite new artist is Pia Mia (I still have “Fight for You,” the track she did on the Divergent soundtrack on repeat)!

4.) My favorite animal is the Congo Okapi (the first time I saw it I didn’t know what it was, but it was so beautiful to me that I started to cry!)

5.) I’m good at grilling …Dare I say, Grill Master!

6.) My favorite wine is any good Malbec.

7.) I love going to the movies and reviewing the credits at the end. I call out as many names as possible of the people that made the movie happen.

Now, for the fun part! The nominees are:

1.) positivelives313

2.) From Unemployment to Writer – Find Out How I Did It

3.) Genie in a Bubble

4.) thehealthymodel

5.) I’m Losing It!!

6.) Loretta Andrews

7.) Twin Flame Reflections

8.) Ironwoman Diary: Destination Finish Line

9.) The Hungry Foolish

10.) Live Well… Be Fabulous

Please take the time to visit these blogs, they’re great.  Nominees, here are the rules:

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 10 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Have a super day!