Not Quite 365 Days – Journal Entry – November 27 through December 261

Nov 27 – December 31 –  Days 298 thru 361

A Year of Results
What a year it has been!  I know I am not quite there, but it’s ok. I must say that the journey this year has had its highs and lows.  I didn’t finish the year off as strong as I would have liked.  Old habits die-hard and I didn’t have exercise to back me up for the last month due to a knee/hamstring injury I have been nursing.
Nutrition and exercise work hand in hand, but I really needed to put the fork down at some points!! LOL.  However, I am not  discouraged!  I have lost 53 lbs this year!  Whoohoo!  I know I can get to my goal in 2015.
Thanks to everyone who had helped support me this year.  You likes and comments really kept me going and I appreciate it so much.
PiYo To the Rescue
I started doing PiYo and though it’s different from what I’m used to, I love it and I NEED it!  I feel like I am getting strong with it.  I still get after workout pain, but it doesn’t last and I feel more loose throughout the rest of the day.  I sweat a lot doing PiYo which is an amazing.  It really is all about building strength and flexibility to help you with other workouts, running and athletics.  I see the beauty!
Final Results
Weight loss:  53 lbs. down!
Waist: 7.5 inches
Chest: 3.75
Right Arm: 3.25
Left Arm: 2.75
Right Thigh: 5.5
Right Thigh: 5.5
(total inches 28.25 – WHHAAAAHHHTTT?)
What I Have Learned
I have learned that I am a strong woman who can over come the obstacles before me. I have a drive and laser like focus when I’m working out that is pretty crazy!  I have truly learned to love the challenge!  It’s almost like an addiction that I’m ok with. haha I have done some things in my workouts that I have literally watched on TV and said, “Chyah, right!”  This year I was doing them.
I learned that even though I have developed some great habits, I still have a lot to overcome because old habits like to creep back up on me from time to time.  I have also learned that support and accountability is so important and though I started my journey without it, I couldn’t have gotten this far without it!
So the journey continues.
THANK YOU AGAIN FOR HELPING ME THROUGH THIS JOURNEY!!  My fitness journey for 2015 will continue on JN Welsh Blog mostly so I hope you guys follow me there as well.
Wishing you all the best for an awesome 2015!

Journal Entry – October 2 through 8

Oct 2 thru Oct 8– Days 271 thru  277

P90 week 5

Still feeling it! I realized when doing some of these exercises that I am not using a heavy enough weight, which means I have gotten stronger! Yay!! Did I tell you already that I’m in love with Block 2? Well it’s worth repeating…haha

I have noticed a significant change in my stamina. This is from doing things around the house to walking up a few flights of stairs or up steep hills and wondering why my breathing is still quite normal! No joke!  I am actually looking forward to redoing the fit test at the end of the program in another month or so.


Counting Calories

You know I hate this right? I’m doing it. Why? Because I was noticing that I was either getting too many or too little calories. It’s a painful process sometimes but other times I feel quite knowledgeable knowing off-hand how much a half a banana is or a cup of kale or a tablespoon of Chia seeds is. I’m a brania, right now! It has been paying off as well.


Weekly Weigh in and Transformation

Here are the weigh-in for the week with gratuitous trans formation pic.

Weight loss 3.5 lbs.



Not bad given that I had gained last week but I’m feeling in the groove now. I know calories in and out and my workouts only increase that. I feel more in control and maybe this was the step I needed to take to get over the hump and into a new perspective about my nutrition and fitness routine!


Recipe Alert

I posted this on IG yesterday. If you are not yet a follower, check me out. My @ is jn_welsh and is also on the photo. I used Shakeology for this recipe but you can use whatever protein powder or meal replacement shake (better) you like. Also, if you add a half a banana, it’s even better.  Have a great week and weekend my blogosphere fellows!


Journal Entry – May 28 through June 4

May 28 thru June 4– Days 144 thru 151

150 Days

One hundred and fifty days ago, I began my weightloss/fitness journey.  Wow, how things have changed for me, in this area, since I started my “New Beginnings Journal.”  I have completely transformed and have become a person who perseveres and continues to push the boundaries with my fitness.  I have gone from somewhat active, to very active.  You know when you do a BMI test and they ask about your activity level, well I can put very active.  I still have a long way to go, but I am much closer to my goals than I was before!


Over the past few days I can honestly say that I have given 150% to aggressively get my $#!% back together with my nutrition, which was, is and will always be a pain point for me.  I feel better, I’m guilt free and I’m focused.  I am very happy and grateful that it didn’t take too long either.  Whew!  Bullet dodged.  LOL


I started running this week after testing out that minor hamstring injury I had.  It is still pretty tight and my range of motion, when stretching it, is very decreased, but I know it will get better.  I am not pushing it.  It feels really good to run again, too.  I only do it three times a week, using my old reliable “Couch to 5K” app.  I love the cheerleaders in this app.


I have more speed, also.  Before when I ran, it was more a jog, but now it is more of a real run.  I will thank Shaun T and Autumn Calabrese for their high impact workouts that really helped with my stamina a pushing through, even when I was huffing and puffing.  Thanks guys..haha!

Regular Workouts 

I am alternating my run days with either Focus T25 Workouts or 21 Day Fix Workouts.  They compliment each other very nicely. I might do this for a while.  If I start getting antsy, then I will change it but I’m good for now.

Extra Workout Challenge

Shaun T does these 5 minute workouts on his Facebook Page that you do in addition to your regular workouts.  They are not easy. I opened my big mouth on Sunday and decided that I was going to do everyone this week.  I started on Tuesday a day behind and did a double on Wednesday.  It was tough.  I had to offer proof to my followers, so I made this short video…lol. I’m a movie director now!  Check me out!

Weigh in Status

I’m going to start posting my results again starting the week of June 9th.  I will pick up my results from where I left off so you won’t miss a thing.  Thank you and good night.

Journal Entry – April 28 through May 4

April 28 thru May 4– Days 115 thru 120

Bringing it All Together

I’m so happy to report that Gamma is done! Remember last week, I added another week?  Well sadistic Jen, chose to do the toughest week where Speed 3.0 had to be done twice during the week.  It was very challenging, but I did it and got it done.  I’m so proud of myself!  So here are my results for my last week of Gamma Phase!

Weight: 1.5 lb. loss

Chest: 1/4 inch gain ??

Waist: 1/2 inch loss

Arm:  1/4 inch loss (L) 1/4 inch loss (R)

Thigh:  1/4 inch loss (L) 1/2 inch loss (R)

I’m using a new measuring tape which I LOVE!!   It’s call the MyoTape.  I got mine from Amazon, but I’m sure you can find it elsewhere.

Myo tape

I got this as a recommendation off of bantambalance’s  blog.  Thanks for that!  I feel like it is more accurate, so if that means a gain in inches then it is, what it is!  I want to make sure I’m reporting the real deal!  I also highly recommend it!

How Far I Have Come!

Do you guys remember when I first started back in January!?!?!  I had to put down all the weeks  and really look at it to see the progress!  IT’S CRAZY!!!  You guys supported me with your likes, your comments and suggestions!   I have learned so much from you all and I am amazed and what I have achieved so far!

So what are my total results for the program?  Well, here they are from beginning to end!

My 5-Week Summary for Alpha Phase:

Alpha Totals: 17 lb loss

Alpha Chest Totals: 1/4 inch loss

Alpha Waist Totals: 3 inches loss

Alpha Arm Totals: 1/2 inch (L) 3/4 inch (R) loss

Alpha Thigh Totals: 3/4 (L) 3/4 (R) loss


My 5-Week Summary for Beta Phase:

Beta Weight Totals: 10 lb loss

Beta Chest Totals: 1 1/2 inch loss

Beta Waist Totals: 1/2 lb loss

Beta Arm Totals 1/2 inch loss (L) 1/4 inch loss (R)

Beta Thigh Totals: 1 inch loss (L) 1 inch loss (R)


My 5 Week Summary for Gamma Phase:

Gamma Weight Totals: 5.5 lb loss

Gamma Chest Totals: 1/4 inch loss

Gamma Waist Totals: 1 inch loss

Gamma Arm Totals 3/4 inch loss (L) 1 inch loss (R)

Gamma Thigh Totals: 3/4 inch loss (L) 3/4 inch loss (R)


My Total Focus T25 Stat Summary (Alpha, Beta and Gamma Phase):

Weight Loss Total: 33 lbs 

Chest Totals: 2.0 inch loss

Waist Totals: 4 1/2 inch loss

Arm Totals: 1 3/ 4inch loss (L) 2.0 inch loss (R)

Thigh Totals: 2 1/4 inch loss (L+R)



Bye Shaun T (tears rolling down cheek, and sniffles to accompany them)

Focus T25 Alpha, Beta and Gamma are done! That means that I have to say goodbye to Shaun T — at least for a little while.  I think I may do another round of Focus T25 later in the year, but I am excited to do something different.  I had asked you guys to vote on which program I should do next and I’m thankful to those of you who sent me your feedback!

Hello Autumn Calabrese 

And the winner is…..drum roll please…..


Click the image to see a the video!

So, when I became a Team Beachbody coach I saw this program and was interested in trying it.  It was so popular that I had to wait for it because it was sold out!  I heard that people got excellent results from it and you know I’m all about results now after doing Shaun T’s Focus T25.  This is what I am doing starting May 5th.  The workouts are 30 minutes, including a short stretch so it is right up my alley in terms of time commitment.  If anyone is interested in doing it with my let me know or CLICK HERE!

I will let you guys know how my workouts and eating plan go.  The program comes with a very interesting nutrition plan (which I’m also all about).  It really focuses on portion control through these handy containers to really keep your portions down.   Technically, there is no weekly stats to be recorded for this program (just at the end), but I like the accountability and will continue to load them up.  I’m excited to see how it feels to work with another program after my Focus T25 conditioning.  Fun times!  Wish me luck!

Have a super day!

Journal Entry – April 21 through 27

April 21 thru 27– Days 106 thru 114

Missing in Action

Hey gang!  I know you are used to hearing from me quite regularly, but I had a super busy long weekend that started on Thursday.   I was out of town so I didn’t get to record my results and measurements on my weekly schedule.  I normally wouldn’t worry too much about this, but I was at a hotel where all I had access to was prepared food.  I was able to stick with my Shakeology in the morning (thank God), but the rest was a toss-up!  I did ok, but it was not the end to my Gamma program that I wanted, so I tacked on another week and will record on May 3rd come hell or high water.

How Are the Workouts Going Anyway?

You know that moment when you’re doing something and you’re like…when did I become this person? Well, that happened to me on Thursday morning when I was up at 5:29AM to workout.


Now, if you know me, you know that these AM hours are something I just normally don’t do. My motivation?  To get my workout done before I left for the weekend.  Holy cow!  I’m dedicated and focused.  I feel stronger and now I’m doing some crazy $#!% to get these workouts done.


A Little Help

I am going change my workout.  If any of you know any of these workouts, please help me decide what do next.  Below are the choices.

Turbo Jam OR 21 Day Fix

Turbo Jam OR 21 Day Fix


Real Simple Salmon Recipe

It really doesn’t get more simple than this.  I love recipes like this!  Click the picture and check it out.

Garlic Broiled Salmon - Real Simple

Garlic Broiled Salmon – Real Simple


Enjoy everyone and I hope you are staying warm and dry on this cold a damp New York day.





Journal Entry – April 19 and 20

April 19 & 20– Days 104 & 105

Gamma Week Three Weigh IN

This is my second to last week.  Gamma will be over in a week!?  Holy cow!  Anywoo!  Here are my weigh in results for this week.

Weight: no change

Chest: 1/4 inch loss

Waist: 1/4 inch loss (slightly more)

Arm:  1/4 inch loss (L) 1/4 inch loss (R) – they are not the same size lol

Thigh:  no change (??)

I’m really happy to be losing inches because that means I’ll be able to fit into my clothes better.  Some of them look baggy now.  This is great, but also a point of stress when I’m rushing to get dressed, but I’ll take it!  haha


5 Ingredient Meals?  Yes Please!

I love making things quick that don’t require too much preparation or time.  There are times when I want to got into a meditative state and do a recipe that takes a lot of time, days even (soak or marinate over night, etc), but regularly I need to go, so do my meals.

Grilled Shrimp and Grapefruit Salad

Grilled Shrimp and Grapefruit Salad


I wanted to share this recipe because it had lots of things I liked.  You can always change it up the ingredients.  You know how we do it?  Make it your own!


Last Week of Gamma

I really hope I improve more this week!  Wish me luck!


Journal Entry April 14 through 18

April 14 thru 18– Days 99  thru 103

100 Day Anniversary

I have been on this journey for more than 100 days already!  Wow, how time flies and what I’ve accomplished.  I finished my third week of Gamma Phase and I have one week left!  Awesome sauce!  hahaha

All in all this week went well even though I am still struggling with Speed 3.0.  It’s the worst!  LOL but I attack it every time like it’s going to be different and it does get a little better, but is such struggle. It let’s me know two things: 1) I”m not Shaun T and 2) I’m still making improvements!

Easter and Passover Wishes

To all of you celebrating Easter, HAPPY EASTER and Chag Same’ach to those of you observing Passover, I wish you the best!

I’m from Jamaican heritage and one of the things we eat during Easter is Jamaican bun and cheese. The best way that I can describe this is a moist spice filled fruit cake.  My sister this year decided to make it from scratch.  I love this because I think it makes my parents happy to know that the traditions from their country are being passed down and appreciated by their children.


I have to say that my sister has done a really good job with it for her first try!  It is way off my nutrition plan and even though it is small it is a lot of calories.  I’m having it for one of my meals today (not a snack) because food is not my enemy and I still want to enjoy the holiday and participate in moderation with our traditions.  So I am having it today and only today and enjoying it with my family.

Enjoy the weekend, the festivities and may whatever holiday you are celebrating this weekend be holy.  If you are not celebrating any of the spiritual holidays that’s cool too – do you!

Have a super one!

Journal Entry – April 12 and 13

April 12 & 13– Days 97 & 98

Results Are In! (Weekly Weigh In)



Weight: 1 lb. loss

Chest: no change

Waist: 1/4 inch loss

Arm:  L-R no change

Thigh:  L-R no change

One more pound down and a quarter-inch on the waist!  Whoot whoot!  I know nothing else changed this week but last week was really good with 4 lbs and some inch loss, so I’m happy it’s all going in the right direction!

Super Saturday – April 12, 2014

I attended a Team Beachbody Event this weekend and guess who I met!? “MY GIRL TANIA!”


Yes! Tania Ante Baron was there! I was so excited to meet her.  My hair was an 80’s theme mess and I didn’t think to pose, but I got the picture! HAHA!  If you ever do the Focus T25 videos, then you know that Tania is the modifier in the videos and she has helped MANY continue to move even when it feels like you are not able to.  So she is like a rock star to me plus I spend 25 minutes a day with her on these videos  I got to meet her!  Whoa!  She was nice, her husband and their baby were there as well.  It was a nice surprise!  🙂

The Salad Ban Is Lifted

So for a while I banned salad from my diet.  For years whether I was on a high protein/low carb diet, Medifast or any other diet, my go to for a “healthy meal” was always salad.  It got to the point where if anyone mentioned salad as a meal option, I reacted as if a vampire to garlic.  Ok…that’s extreme but I just was so tired of salad  that it was getting to me.  So I somewhat banned it.  I had one here or there, but they were not top of the menu.  I am happy to announce that I have had not one but two salads this week.  A kale salad and a powerhouse salad (also using kale as the bed, if you will.)  I will give those recipes with ingredients and preparation instructions soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to share the below salad recipe with you.  It’s quick it’s yummy and low in calorie.

I found the recipe HERE on Men’s Health.  There are eight more good ones so click to get the others.  All of the recipes make four servings so you can half the recipe if it’s too much or double it for a partaaaaay!

Curried Chicken

Servings for 4

4 cups chicken
1 small diced onion
1 cup shredded carrot
¼ cup golden raisins
½ cup mayo (I used light mayo)
1 tsp curry powder

Curry powder is perhaps the most under-utilized seasoning in your spice rack. Try this salad and you’ll agree.

160 calories
8 g fat (1 g saturated)
160 mg sodium
10 g carbohydrates
11 g protein
1 g fiber



Journal Entry – April 7 through 11

April 7 thru 11 – Days 92 thru 96

A Better Week

This week flew by!!  I am happy to report that after the challenge with my workouts last week, I am stronger and surprised by how much better I am already doing the workouts!  I’m not doing them perfectly, but I’m better.  This $h!% is tough but I’m so glad I am seeing improvement.

Too Critical 

Over the past week I have been taking pictures and videos and I second, and third guess what I should put up. Don’t get me wrong, I have made progress, but I sometimes forget how far I have come, but also how far I have left to go — even though I write this blog every week. IMG_0215before and after

I see results, but I have to remember that I am still a heavy chic and only time and constancy will make the difference.  I think we are all critical of ourselves, however, I have to be kinder and more patient and look at the pictures from a “what has improved” perspective instead of an “I am still not there” one.

My Reward for Completing  T25 Alpha and Beta Cycle

Look at my T-shirt!  It reminds me of how far I have come and the progress I have made.  Yay! 10171132_10152342815085419_834817338_n

Yummy Hummus

I love Hummus and found a great recipe when I was in Suffern a few weekends ago.  For more recipes, go to  Angela Rivera helped me make a humus garden (hummus was the “dirt” and tiny pieces of broccoli, carrots and cucumber were the flowers) which was so cute!  The below is taken from her pamphlet with the exception of my commentary in parentheses.

Classic Hummus

16 oz Can chick peas

¼ cup Water

3 Tsp Tahini

1 clove garlic (I use more but don’t speak to me afterward…haha)

½ tsp salt

1 Tbsp cumin

¼ cup olive oil (use a good one because it does really make a difference in taste)

Preparation: Drain chickpeas and rinse well.  Combine all ingredients except olive oil in a food processor.  Blend well and slowly add olive oil.  Blend for 2-3 minutes or until completely smooth.  Serve with fresh vegetables or use as a condiment for wraps, sandwiches or salads.  Enjoy!

Have a super weekend!

Journal Entry – April 5 and 6

April 5 & 6– Days 90 & 91

Weekly Weigh In

Week one completed.  Whew!  I barely made it folks, but I am glad for the rest day.  Here are my weekly results.

Weight: 4 lb. loss

Chest: 1/4 inch loss

Waist: 1/4 inch loss

Arm: 1/4 inch loss (L), 1/2 inch loss (R)

Thigh: 1/2 inch loss (L)  1/4 inch loss(R)



One of the things that I enjoy drinking is Shakeology.  I started drinking it a few years ago and I liked it for a meal replacement.  When I started Focus T25 I also incorporated it again since it was in the nutrition plan.  I have it five days a week and do a green drink on the weekends.



Part of keeping some of my cravings at bay is due to Shakeology.   I indulge (chocolate chips), but I know that it would be a lot worse without this bad boy.

I use it as a recovery drink/breakfast meal replacement and it keeps me satisfied.  It truly is the most nutritious meal of my day!  I make the recipes like this bar or this peanut butter cup shake. It’s pretty yummy when you make it with almond butter and bananas or yogurt and fruit.  As a Team Beach Body Coach I support products  because I use them and they have given me positive results.    Shakeology is really good and good for you with all it’s superfood ingredients, so check it out.

If you want the recipe for the breakfast bar shown in the picture above just CLICK HERE.


Gamma Week Two Coming Right Up 

Now that I’ve gone through the challenge of week one of Gamma I am looking forward to having more strength in week two. Wish me luck guys!!